Social media is a powerful tool for reaching new people for Jesus.

That said, if people aren’t discovering your church on Instagram, it might be time to evaluate your strategy. 

Here are five key reasons why your church might not be getting the visibility it deserves and how to fix it.

1. Wrong Keywords in Name Field and Handle

One of the simplest yet most crucial aspects of your church’s Instagram profile is its name and handle. 

When potential visitors search for churches in their area, they typically use keywords like your city name and the word “church.” 

If your handle or name doesn’t include these keywords, you might be missing out on valuable search traffic.

Action Step: Update your Instagram handle and name to include your city and the word “church.” This simple adjustment can significantly increase your visibility in search results.

2. You Aren’t Posting Enough Reels

Instagram Reels are one of the most effective ways to reach new people and more people. 

Unlike regular posts, the algorithms for Reels are specifically designed to be shared beyond your current follower base, making them ideal for attracting new visitors to your church.

Action Step: Commit to creating and sharing more Reels. If you in need of ideas here a post about 12 Church Instagram Reels To Try Today

3. You’re Not Posting at Least 3 Times a Week

Consistent posting is key for people to consistently come back to your Instagram for more.

Posting regularly helps keep your church in the minds of your followers and can also improve your chances of appearing on Instagram’s Explore page and top search results.

Action Step: Aim to post at least three times a week. 

Need to get organized? Grab The Social Media Calendar Every Church Needs.

4. Your Posts Aren’t Applicable to New People

Many church posts focus on internal events or promotions, which can feel exclusive to those who aren’t yet part of your church. 

For instance, a post with a church logo or an internal event will not resonate or apply to someone new scrolling through Instagram.

You can still post these, but if that is all you post, then none of your content will be applicable to new people, thus, the algorithm won’t send it out.

The truth is, if you post content that resonates with people or strikes a cord, the algorithm will send it to the right people.

What type of post applies to a new person? 

It could be a post about God that encourages them, a scripture, a prayer or something educational.

Action Step: Create posts that speak to potential visitors. Posts that offer spiritual insights, encouragement or practical resources can help draw in new people.

5. Your Current Community Doesn’t Follow You

If your church’s existing community isn’t following your Instagram account, it makes it harder to gain traction and reach new audiences. 

A strong follower base can help amplify your posts and create a solid foundation through consistent likes, comments, and shares, increasing your visibility.

Action Step: Make it easy for your congregation to follow you on Instagram. 

Mention your handle during services, include it in slides, and print it on signage (like behind bathroom doors!) and connection cards. 

Create a culture of sharing by encouraging your members to engage with your posts in your captions on Instagram and invite their friends to follow along.


Building a presence on Instagram takes time and intentionality. 

By focusing on the right keywords, increasing your use of Reels, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, creating relevant content for new audiences, and engaging your current community, you can improve your church’s visibility on this essential platform.

Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your church’s Instagram grow.

Oct 10, 2024
Social Media

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